Find the Right Furniture for a Small Patio

Find the Right Furniture for a Small Patio

A tiny backyard or patio shouldn’t limit how much you can relax in your backyard. Whether you want to have a place to decompress after work or you want to fit a dining table on your patio, small square footage is a small problem. Follow these patio furniture tips to make it all fit together.

Line the wall of your house with a bench.

One of the biggest constraints for any patio is finding enough seating room. You can make do with smaller footrests and foldaway tables, but seating is the one area where it’s impossible to compromise. So find a bench that matches your exterior wall. You can transform those two feet right up against the side of your house from dead space into comfortable, versatile seating.

Use circular tables.

Square and rectangular take up a lot of space, and they also limit the seating possibilities. While they look beautiful if you have the space, circular tables are more useful. There are no corners where no one can sit, and you can put circular tables in a corner or in the center of the patio. Look for a circular table with a pedestal, central leg for even more foot space and fewer tripping hazards.

Find swiveling bar stools instead of traditional chairs.

Large, boxy seats with four legs take up a lot of room. Even worse, it takes a lot of room to readjust their angles so everyone can feel included in the conversation. Instead of having people jostle for space or accidentally hang a chair leg off the edge of the patio, get a set of bar stools. These seats swivel so everyone can follow the conversations from one edge of the patio to the other without ever having to move the chairs themselves. Not only does this stop your patio from feeling too crowded, it means you don’t have chair legs scraping against the floor. Visit Today’s Patio to find the perfect patio furniture that makes any patio look stylish and roomy.

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